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Privacy Statement

Keeping personal data of individuals secure and confidential is a top priority for all of us at K. Y. Yong & Co. (“K. Y. Yong & Co.”, “we”, “us” or “our”). The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) requires us to inform you of your right to know the reasons we collect and use the personal data you have provided; how we will use the personal data and to whom we may share the personal data with.


This Personal Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) is issued to all clients and prospective clients of K. Y. Yong & Co. and explains how we collect and handle your personal data in accordance with the PDPA. K. Y. Yong & Co. shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Notice at any time by placing the updated Notice on our website ( or through other appropriate means. If K. Y. Yong & Co. amends this Notice, the amendment will only apply to personal data collected after K. Y. Yong & Co. has posted the revised Notice. By continuing to communicate with K. Y. Yong & Co. or by continuing to use K. Y. Yong & Co.’s services following the modifications, updates or amendments to this Notice, it shall signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments. In accordance with Section 7(3) of the PDPA, this Notice is issued in English.


During your course of dealings with us, K. Y. Yong & Co. will collect and process your personal data so as to be able to operate effectively and deliver services to you. We will only collect and process your personal data in accordance with the PDPA and K. Y. Yong & Co.'s Privacy Policy.


If you are a corporate entity/an organisation, references to the term “you” and “your” shall also include your employees, representatives and agents.


Collection of Personal Data


“Personal data” means information about you which you have provided to K. Y. Yong & Co., such as your name, address, telephone number, NRIC, email address, your personal preferences, particulars of your spouse or family members and bank account information and any information which may identify you, your spouse or family members that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by K. Y. Yong & Co. from time to time.



In addition to the personal data you provide to K. Y. Yong & Co. directly (i.e. during your communications with K. Y. Yong & Co. and/or when you engage K. Y. Yong & Co. to provide services), K. Y. Yong & Co. may also collect your personal data from a variety of sources, including without limitation at any events, conferences, seminars or talks organised or sponsored by K. Y. Yong & Co. and/or from the cookies used on the K. Y. Yong & Co.’s website.



The provision of your personal data to K. Y. Yong & Co. may be voluntary or mandatory in nature depending on the Purposes for which your personal data is collected. Where it is mandatory for you to provide us with your personal data, and you fail or choose not to provide us with your personal data, or do not consent to this Notice or our Privacy Policy, we may not be able to communicate with you, provide you the services you require or process your personal data for any of the Purposes below, if at all.


Purposes of Processing


K. Y. Yong & Co. may use and process your personal data for the purposes relating to the services you have requested and for the business activities of K. Y. Yong & Co. which shall include:

(a) to communicate with you;

(b) to provide you with information and/or updates;

(c) to respond to questions, comments or complaints from you;

(d) for K. Y. Yong & Co.’s internal administrative purposes;

(e) for client relationship management and conducting internal conflict and background checks in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations or risk management procedures that may be required by law or that may have been put in place by us;

(f) to provide information to regulatory and governmental authorities in order to comply with statutory and government requirements;

(g) for K. Y. Yong & Co. to comply with its obligations under law;

(h) for the proper performance of K. Y. Yong & Co.’s professional services to you (which may include transfer of certain personal data for cross-border engagements); and


(i) any other purposes required to operate and maintain K. Y. Yong & Co.’s business as set out in K. Y. Yong & Co.’s Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on our website at, (collectively referred to as “Purposes”).


Other Purposes


K. Y. Yong & Co. may also use and process your data for other purposes such as:

(a) to send you materials such as newsletters, articles, write-ups as well as other updates;

(b) to distribute information or details of events, seminars, conferences and talks which may be of interest to you, by way of email or ordinary mail.



If you do not consent to K. Y. Yong & Co. processing your personal data for the purposes listed in Section 5 above, please notify K. Y. Yong & Co. using the contact details stated below.


Transfer of Personal Data



As K. Y. Yong & Co.’s information technology storage facilities and servers may be located in other jurisdictions outside of Malaysia, your personal data may be transferred to, stored, used and processed in a jurisdiction other than Malaysia. Please note that these foreign entities may be established in countries that might not offer a level of data protection that is equivalent to that offered in Malaysia under the laws of Malaysia. You hereby expressly consent to us transferring your personal data outside of Malaysia for such purposes. We shall endeavour to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to procure that all such third parties outside of Malaysia shall not use your personal data other than for that part of the Purposes and to adequately protect the confidentiality and privacy of your personal data.


Disclosure to Third Parties



K. Y. Yong & Co. may engage other companies, service providers or individuals to perform functions on K. Y. Yong & Co.’s behalf, and consequently may provide access to or disclose your personal data to third parties. We will not disclose any of your personal data to any third party without your consent except to entities of the K. Y. Yong & Co. network, our professional advisors, vendors, suppliers, agents, contractors, service providers, business partners, insurance companies, banks and financial institutions, within or outside Malaysia, where necessary, for the Purposes mentioned above, to any party who undertakes to keep your personal data confidential, to any person as set out in our Privacy Policy, or to whom we are compelled or required under the law to disclose to.


Access & Correction Requests and Inquiries



Subject to any exceptions under applicable laws, you have the right to request for access to, request for a copy of and request to update or correct your personal data held by us. You also have the right to request us to limit the processing of your personal data (for example, requesting us to stop sending you any marketing and promotional materials or contacting you for marketing purposes).

You may send your written requests to, or seek further information from K. Y. Yong & Co. by contacting:


Office Address:

Lot 2-2-8A, 2nd Floor,

Kolam Centre, Phase 2,

Jalan Lintas,

88300 Kota Kinabalu,

Sabah, Malaysia.


Telephone No.: 088 267 467

Facsimile No.: 088 267 460



In respect of your right to access and/or correct your personal data, K. Y. Yong & Co. has the right to refuse your requests to access and/or make any correction to your personal data for the reasons permitted under law, such as where the expense of providing access to you is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy.


Consent to K. Y. Yong & Co. Processing Your Personal Data



By providing your personal data to K. Y. Yong & Co., you consent to K. Y. Yong & Co. processing your personal data in accordance with this Notice, and you confirm that all personal data provided by you is accurate and complete, and that none of it is misleading or out of date. You will promptly update K. Y. Yong & Co. in the event of any change to your personal data.



If you do not consent to K. Y. Yong & Co. processing your personal data, please notify K. Y. Yong & Co. using the contact details stated above.



To the extent that you have provided (or will provide) K. Y. Yong & Co. with personal data about your family members, spouse, other dependents (if you are an individual), directors, shareholders, employees, representatives, agents (if you are a corporate entity/an organisation) and/or other individuals, you confirm that you have explained (or will explain) to them that their personal data will be provided to, and processed by, K. Y. Yong & Co. and you represent and warrant that you have obtained their consent to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their personal data in accordance with this Notice.



In respect of minors (i.e. individuals under 18 years of age) or individuals not legally competent to give consent, you confirm that you are the parent or guardian or person who has parental responsibility over them or the person appointed by court to manage their affairs or that they have appointed you to act for them, to consent on their behalf to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their personal data in accordance with this Notice.

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